18+ BBQ Chicken Sides You'll Love


So you have a delicious pan full of grilled chicken with barbecue sauce and you’re looking for the best BBQ chicken sides? 

You’re in luck because, in this post, we share 18 of the very best side dishes for BBQ chicken. Let’s dive in and check out these delicious barbecue chicken sides.

Sweet Potatoes

There are so many delicious ways to prepare sweet potatoes. You can cut them up into cubes and roast them. Alternatively, you can make sweet potato pies.

Quinoa Salad

Quinoa salad is chock-full of protein, calcium, potassium, and loads of other essential nutrients. This is the perfect salad to serve with BBQ chicken.

Fried Green Tomatoes

For a different twist, dip your sliced green tomatoes in an egg and milk wash, then dredge them in Italian seasoned bread crumbs for a special treat.

Corn Pudding

Corn pudding is something that disappears nearly as quickly as chicken when you put it in front of people. This dish is the classic recipe made with Jiffy Corn Muffin mix and it probably tastes just like the one your grandmother used to make.


Homemade biscuits are swoon-worthy with any meal. However, there’s something magical about fluffy biscuits when they’re served with BBQ chicken. These biscuits are wonderful for soaking up your delicious homemade BBQ sauce.

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