25 Delicious and Adorable Mini Desserts & Recipes


Small desserts are absolutely ideal for any occasion or get-together with a lot of guests. And unlike other foods like appetizers and main courses, you can never have too many bite sized desserts.

Source: perudelights.com

From hot apple pie pops to sticky sweet mini-maple cinnamon rolls, we’ve got 25 insanely delicious mini dessert recipes that will make any event a huge success.

Source: chocolatemoosey.com

Mini Cookie Burgers

It’s amazing what you can do with a little shredded coconut, some cookies, and decorative icing. Mini-burger cookies are absolute show-stoppers.

Source: tablespoon.com

Snickers Mini M&M Brownie Bites

These Snickers mini brownie bites combine the best of both worlds and even throw in a few M&Ms for good measure!

Source: butterwithasideofbread.com

Chi Chi Dango Mochi

If you’re a dessert fan looking for your next new sweet thrill, then you’ll love Chi Chi Dango Mochi. This dessert hails from Hawaii and consists of soft, colorful squares of a unique cake called mochi.

Source: justjennrecipes.com

Apple Pie Pops

These apple pie pops are not only delicious and adorable, but they are pretty cheap and easy to make, taking just under an hour to prepare and bake 16 mini pie pops.

Source: goodto.com

Mini Pistachio and Cherry Simnel Cakes

If you’re looking for a new and exciting version of a classic Easter dessert, then we’ve got a treat for you!  Now, this recipe has quite a few ingredients and will take a bit more investment than most Simnel cake recipes.

Source: dailymail.co.uk

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Source: goodto.com