How To Boil Hot Dogs: 5 Easy Steps

How to make tasty, juicy hot dogs in the microwave in under 5 minutes! We have one final cooking method for you to try out; boiling the hot dogs in a small skillet. This method is a little different, but so simple and easy to follow.

– Hot dog sausages – Hot dog buns – Water – ketchup or Mustard


How To Boil Hot Dogs:

Fill a large pan with water.

Place the pan on a high heat burner and allow it to come to the boil.

Once water is boiling, use tongs to immerse the hot dogs in the water.

Reduce the heat to a low setting, and allow the hot dogs to cook for 4-6 minutes depending on how firm you want them to be.

Once cooked, remove from the water and dry off with paper towels and place them in the buns, topping with preferred condiments before serving.

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