Foods that Start with L

If you love learning new things about foods and words, you might like to know as many foods as possible starting with individual letters. Or maybe you’re challenging yourself to only eat foods beginning with the letter L for 24 hours or every meal for a day.

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There are so many unique foods in the world that it may take a few lifetimes to try them all. And when I talk about different foods, I’m not just talking about meats, veggies, and fruits, but also spices and drinks. There are probably delicious foods in the world you’ll likely never know existed.But that’s okay because that means you can enjoy a lifetime of exploration and never be able to say you tried them all. This is part of what makes life so interesting and exciting. There are new experiences around every corner if you take the time to look.

No matter how you found your way to our article, we hope that you’ll stay and learn all about these interesting foods. We’ve managed to find 65 foods beginning with L, which is harder than it sounds – trust us!

For more great food lists check out food that begins with the letter M and food that begins with the letter K.

Try and think of one food that begins with L right now (without cheating by scrolling down!), harder than it sounds, right? 

Fruit and Vegetables

1. Lady Apple

Lady apples are tiny types of apples, usually as small as a crab apple. However, they can still be eaten and have a sweet and sour taste. The texture is juicy and tender with green and red flesh. 

2. Lambkin melon

Lambkin melons aren’t one of the more commonly known melons, but they’re still as juicy and refreshing as other melons.

They can grow up to four pounds in weight, with a thin rind to protect the fleshy fruit. The taste is similar to that of sweet cucumber. 

3. Lamb’s lettuce

Otherwise known as corn salad, lamb’s lettuce has oblong-shaped leaves that are dark green in color. The leaves are much smaller than other types of lettuce, often being confused with spinach rather than lettuce.

It has a tangy flavor and can either be eaten raw or cooked. Lamb’s lettuce excels in salads. 

4. Lantana berries

Lantana berries are similar to grapes in that they grow in bunches, although they are closer to the size of peppercorns.

They are blue and black in color and have a familiar taste of currants. Don’t eat these berries if they’re still green, though, as this indicates that they’re toxic. 

5. Last chance peaches

Last chance peaches are popular in California and are peaches that have been harvested late in the season.

They’re larger than other peaches with yellow and burgundy skin with firm yellow flesh. They’re still sweet despite their firm texture without as much juice as a normal peach. 

6. Lawyer’s wig mushrooms

This mushroom either goes by lawyer’s wig or shaggy mane mushrooms, with long caps covering the stalk. These caps are white and often covered in scales which can make them off-putting to some.

Underneath the caps are pink gills that turn black and mushy once they’re disturbed. They’re full of water and the flavor is mild. 

7. Leeks

Leeks are in the same family as onions and garlic, with a similar flavor to mild onions. They are large stalks made up of lots of large individual leaves.

As you make your way up the stalk, they turn from a white color to dark green. 

8. Lemon

Lemons are acidic fruit that is incredibly sour to taste. They are yellow oval citrus fruits with pinched ends.

Lemons are used in a number of foods to give them a more tart taste rather than sweet. They can also be used in drinks and homemade healing recipes. 

9. Lemonade berry

Lemonade berries are red and covered in a thin layer of fuzz when ripe. They have a similar shape to corn kernels and they grow in bunches like grapes.

They have a sour taste, similar to lemons. They should only be eaten once the hairs and sap have all been removed from the outside of the berries. 

10. Lemonade fruit

Lemonade fruit looks similar to lemons in shape and color. They also have a similar taste to lemons, but they’re not as acidic. This means that they’re not as tart and therefore are more enjoyable to eat on their own.

Lemonade fruit is not often found outside Australia and New Zealand. 

11. Lemon aspen

Lemon aspen is the name for a sour-tasting berry, like the fruit they’re named after. However, they’re cream-colored berries as large as cherries, growing in pairs or bunches.

The flavor has hints of eucalyptus. Again, lemon aspen is native to Australia and not often found outside of the country.

12. Lemon cucumber

Lemon cucumbers are small and pale yellow balls, growing not much larger than the size of a golf ball.

Inside the flesh is pale green with white seeds and plenty of watery juice. These fruits taste like cucumber and have no lemon taste or fragrance. 

13. Lemon drop melon

These melons are golden and have rigid flesh, stretching into an oval shape. The flesh inside is dense and firm, pale green in color.

The taste is a mix of watermelon and honeydew melon. Of course, there is a slight sourness of the lemon found within the taste as well. 

14. Lemon drop pepper

These peppers are yellow and thin. If you can get over the spiciness, you might notice the strong lemon flavor within the vegetable as well.

They’ll often be used in sauces and snacks in their native country of Peru. The mix of spice and citrus flavor is ideal for salsas. 

15. Lemon Plum

Lemon plums have yellow skin and a lemon shape, but they are smaller than the traditional lemon.

They have the same sweet flavor that you’d expect from a plum. As the fruit ripens it turns to a burgundy color. They’re best baked while they’re still yellow thanks to their firm texture. 

16. Lettuce

Lettuce is a popular vegetable made up of lots of rounded leaves and high water content. They are often used as the base for salads. There are plenty of varieties of lettuce, yet all are part of the daisy family. Lettuce often has a mild flavor, although some can be more bitter than others. 

17. Li jujube

This fruit is an ancient Chinese fruit that has a brown coloring. They look like small green apples that have turned too ripe.

The flesh inside is juicy and crisp, with a pit in the middle of the fruit. Li jujube can be eaten in a number of ways, and they can even be made into wine. 

18. Lime

Limes are similar to lemons in shape, but they are smaller and bright green instead of yellow. They have a thin and oily rind that can be used for baking and garnishing dishes.

The citrus fragrance is tangy and refreshing. There are a few varieties that are somewhat sweet, but most limes are incredibly sour. 

19. Limestone lettuce

This is a type of lettuce with a buttery flavor. The leaves are wrapped compactly near the center, but they fall more loosely near the eggs.

The leaves are dark green and waxy and the taste is sweet with a creamy texture. 

20. Lipstick pepper

These peppers are short and tapered with a waxy finish over their skin. They won’t grow past four inches, with a crisp texture that provides a nice crunch when raw. Although lipstick peppers are chili peppers, they are sweet and juicy instead of spicy. 

21. Lion’s mane mushroom

Lion’s mane mushrooms are growing in popularity after being described as a superfood for mental health.

They’ve also been used as herbal remedies for centuries in Japan and China. They’re large mushrooms that hold a seafood-like taste. 

22. Lobster mushroom

Lobster mushrooms have a mottled appearance that is different from the traditional mushroom shape.

The edges of the cap are orange to red and wavy, looking similar to coral. The flavor is mild and nutty, although they cannot be eaten raw. Cooking lobster mushrooms makes them safe for human consumption. 

23. Lodi apples

Lodi apples are yellow or green with white flesh underneath. They are softer than the normal apple we’re used to, with a sharper taste than traditional apples as well.

Lodi apples are excellent to use in applesauce or apple pies, as well as any apple dish that is cooked before consumption.

24. Loganberries

Loganberries are the love child of blackberries and raspberries. Once ripened they’ll be almost black in color with the mild sharp taste of raspberries.

Loganberries are often confused with blackberries and raspberries, so you might have eaten some without even knowing. 

25. Longan

This fruit is similar to the lychee or rambutan, with one large seed in the middle of the fruit. Surrounding this seed is jelly-like flesh that is translucent and tropical. The skin is a peach color with a barky texture. 

26. Long Island cheese pumpkin

This fruit is known for its shape which can be likened to a wheel of cheese. Luckily, the scent and taste are not similar to cheese!

These pumpkins are small and white-colored. The flavor is rather sweet and is considered one of the best pumpkins to make a pie out of. 

27. Long neck avocados

Long neck avocados are exactly what they say on the tin – they’re avocados with elongated necks. In fact, these avocados can grow over a foot in length thanks to their incredibly long and straight necks.

They have the same taste and texture as traditional avocados, so the only difference is the length. 

28. Long squash

Otherwise known as opo squash, long squash can grow anywhere from 6 inches long to 3 feet! The squash might be straight, curved, or rounded. The skin can be yellow or green, with a firm texture.

The flesh within is white and firm, with lots of seeds. Long squash is an umbrella term for many squashes. 

29. Loquats

These fruits are oval or teardrop-shaped with bright yellow coloring. They are quite small as well, only the size of an apricot.

The skin is sometimes fuzzy but can also be smooth. Within this skin will be soft flesh with large seeds. The citrusy flavor turns sweet after you have it in your mouth for a few moments, similar to a peach or mango.

30. Lulo fruit

Lulo fruits are rounded tropical fruits that look like they should be a part of the citrus family. They also have a similar taste to citrus fruits to support this statement. However, they’re actually closely related to eggplants.

Their yellow peel is often discarded before the green pulpy flesh is eaten. The best way to describe the taste of lulo fruit is a hybrid between an orange, kiwi, and pineapple. 

31. Langsat

Langsats are small fruits that can be found growing in bunches. They won’t grow larger than the size of a plum, with thick skin that is a tan color. The skin is very easily bruised or blemished, but this does not mean that the fruit is damaged within.

Inside is a fruit divided into segments, like an orange. The taste is sour, but this sweetens out as the fruit matures. They taste similar to both a grape and a grapefruit. 

32. Lychee fruit

Lychee fruit grows in clusters and can be likened to walnuts in the way of their size and shape. Their skin is leathery and green when they’re unripe, turning red as they mature.

They are also covered in spikes to warn off predators. The flesh within is jelly-like and very juicy, tasting like both strawberry and pineapple. 

33. Lilok

Lilok is a small version of an eggplant that features a more bitter taste. The skin is smooth and yellowy-green with cream flesh inside.

The flesh is spongy, similar to that of eggplant. The unappealing taste prevents lilok from being used in many things, although it can be found in chutneys and curries. 

34. Lilly pilly

This fruit grows in bunches and is a similar size to cherries. They are either pink or red with juicy white flesh.

The flavor is quite tart and spicy which is not to everyone’s taste. This makes them better suited to jams, chutneys, or syrups where they can be sweetened with sugar. 

35. Limau

This is a citrus fruit the same color as limes. They grow in Asia and different varieties range greatly in size, from 2 inches to 10 inches. They have an acidic taste and smell, with some varieties being sweeter than others.

36. Limequats

Limequats are small yellow citrus fruits with green rinds. They are often confused with lemons, although the smaller size should be a giveaway that this is a different fruit.

The bitter taste makes them great for sauces and dressings. 


37. Ladyfish

Ladyfish is a very bony fish with not much meat on them, so they’re not commonly known for eating. They’re also rather oily and have a grainy texture.

If you’re going to eat ladyfish, fishcakes are your best bet. Otherwise, they can be used for baitfish. 

38. Limpets

Limpets are a type of underwater snail that can be found stuck to rocks near the shore. Unlike a lot of marine snails, limpets are safe to harvest and eat.

They can be eaten from the shell as long as they are prepared correctly, although they can also be cooked or canned. Raw limpets go great with butter. 

39. Lingcod

Lingcod is the name for a fish that you’ll find off the Pacific coast, from the Gulf of Alaska to Baja California, Mexico.

They resemble both cod and ling fish, but they’re not related to either species. They’re much more popular than the ladyfish to eat, often being cooked in batter and served with chips. 

40. Lionfish

Lionfish are a gorgeous species of fish covered in stripes, native to the South Pacific and Indian oceans. They are also found within the Atlantic ocean as an invasive species.

Lionfish are venomous so you need to be careful when catching and preparing them. The flesh is safe for consumption; however, and has a buttery taste with a flaky texture. 

41. Littleneck clams

These can be found growing along the Northeast coast of the USA, with incredibly hard shells to protect them.

They can be eaten raw or steamed with butter and oil. Commonly served with some hot sauce, you’ll need some seasoning to make these clams worth eating. 

42. Lobster

Lobster is a delicacy shellfish that is incredibly common across the world. The flavor is similar to that of crabmeat, with a similar texture to shrimp.

Both the taste and texture can be altered depending on how the lobster is cooked and prepared. Lobster has very little fat content with lots of protein, vitamins, and minerals within. 


43. Lamb

Lamb is the name for immature sheep and is red meat. Lamb is considered one of the healthier red meats with it being only lightly processed.

Lamb offers plenty of protein, iron, and other nutrients. Lamb is considered a delicacy in many areas of the world. 

44. Land snails

Can you class land snails as meat? If you’ve tried your hand at escargot, then you might as well try some land snails too.

Most snails found in the garden are edible as long as they’re properly prepared and cooked. However, most land snails aren’t big enough to be worth your time and effort. 

45. Liver

The liver is one of the densest meats on earth, both in flavor and nutritional value. It is taken from animals such as pigs, chickens, cows, ducks, and lamb.

Some people hate liver, others love it. Eating liver has a number of health benefits provided you can get over what it is you’re eating. 

46. Llama

Llama is game meat that can also be farmed, with a gamey flavor despite its tender texture.

Consuming llama is illegal in many countries nowadays, although it has been eaten throughout history for some cultures. 


47. Lambsquarters

Commonly referred to as goosefoot, lambsquarters is a herb that grows like a wild weed in North America and Mexico.

The tiny heads resemble broccoli florets and can be eaten both raw and cooked. If you’re wanting to try lambsquarters, the taste will be dependent on its soil nutrition and maturity. 

48. Lavender

Lavender is a blue/purple flower that is most known for its relaxing aroma and properties. However, the flower can also be used as a garnish on foods, adding floral notes to your dishes.

There are also some nutritional benefits that come with using lavender as a spice or garnish. 

49. Lemon verbena

Lemon verbena is a herb with a strong lemon flavor. It’s best cooked with because when it’s raw the flavor is too bitter and sour.

The scent is very lemony with a hint of ginger. You can use this herb in both sweet and savory dishes. 

50. Licorice root

Licorice root can often be mistaken for twigs thanks to their dark brown color and barky texture.

They’re about one inch in thickness and are known for their use in herbal medicines. The flavor is used for black licorice candies.

51. Lime mint

This type of mint is obviously very lemony, in terms of both taste and scent. The herb can be crushed to release more of the oils which makes the fragrance and flavor even more apparent.

Lime lovers will love this on all of their meals. 

52. Lotus root

Lotus root is a portion of the stem being taken from the lotus flower plant, which can grow up to four feet tall.

The root looks similar to a potato, although you slice it to showcase the pale yellow flesh that features holes. Lotus root is creamy and similar to taro root. 

53. Lemon balm

Lemon balm is leaves that can be harvested to use in tea or for essential oils. The scent is extremely lemony and can be given off of the plant with a soft breeze.

Honeybees love lemon balm and often make honey with the nectar of this plant. Lemon balm honey has a subtle flavor of mint and lemon. 

54. Lemon basil

Lemon basil is a plant that grows throughout the year and is commonly used in Asian and Middle Eastern dishes.

The basil flavor and scent are overpowered by the lemon properties, making your food lemony without using the fruit itself. 

55. Lemongrass

Lemongrass looks like a small leek, with a tropical scent and flavor that allows you to garnish your foods with the fresh lemon taste.

Young lemongrass is more fragrant, with older lemongrass losing some of its flavors as it matures. You can freeze lemongrass to keep its tender and flavorful nature. 

56. Lovage

Lovage is more often found in the UK than it is in the USA, and it is a herb that’s leaves taste similar to celery.

So much so, in fact, that lovage can often be substituted for celery in almost any recipe. Lovage is often found in soups, although it can also be used in drinks, salads, and butter. 

Seeds and Pulses

57. Legumes

Legumes is an umbrella term used to describe seeds that grow inside a pod. For example, beans, lentils, soybeans, peas, and peanuts can all be described as legumes.

Almost every legume has two things in common – high protein and fiber content. Other than this, they can vary greatly in taste and nutritional value. 

58. Lentils

Lentils are full of protein and are one of the best sources for people who follow a plant-based diet.

They can be cooked to turn into a mushy texture to add to meat-free meat or protein balls. They have a mild bean flavor. 

59. Lima Beans

Otherwise known as butter beans, lima beans are a type of legume that can either be eaten raw or dried.

They are incredibly large in size for beans and either white or green. They are very creamy with a nice buttery taste. 


60. Lasagna

Lasagna is an Italian dish that contains meat sauce, cheese, tomato sauce, and vegetables. Lasagne is cooked in a rectangular-shaped dish and is served in square pieces. Pasta is used to separating the layers in the lasagne.

This pasta is not like the traditional spirals or shells, but thin sheets of pasta that cook to be soft and buttery. Lasagne will be served with basil as its garnish. 

61. Linguine

Linguine is a type of pasta that is similar to spaghetti. However, instead of the pasta being cylindrical, linguine uses a thin strip of pasta.

These look like pieces of spaghetti that have been flattened before cooking. Linguine is often served with a pesto sauce or fish sauce. 

62. Loaf

The loaf is an umbrella term for many dishes, such as meatloaf or bread loaf. Meatloaf is a cake that features meat, breadcrumbs, and spices.

The bread loaf is a whole loaf of bread that you can slice into sections that you want to use. 

63. Latke

Latke is a type of potato pancake first created by Ashkenazi Jewish cuisine. It is commonly eaten during the Hanukkah festival, containing potatoes, onions, spices, and flour.

The potatoes and onions are grated into a pancake-like mixture before being seasoned with spices. The mixture is then cooked just like a traditional pancake is. 

64. Long John Silvers

Long john silvers are one of the most well-known foods beginning with the letter L. They were first created by the brand Long John Silvers LLC and are simply fish dipped in batter.

The batter cooks crispy while the fish remains juicy and tender on the inside, making them an ideal type of fast food. This is one of the closest foods that you’ll find to resemble the traditional English fish and chips.

65. London Broil

Despite what the name might suggest, London broil is an American dish containing broiled marinated beef.

Once the beef is cooked it is cut into thin strips and commonly used in sandwiches. The meat is rarer than roast beef is, making it more enjoyable for some people. 


We hope that you’ve enjoyed learning about all of the different types of foods that begin with the letter L. If there’s a quiz coming up in your local area, you now might just have the winning answer that no one else knows! Our next installment will include lima bean, lemon juice, lentil, limburger cheese, lime juice, liqueur, and loquat among others. Stay tuned.

Alternatively, you have now expanded your knowledge and can use it as a party trick the next time you’re at a dinner party. However you choose to use this information, have fun! 

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some popular lunch foods beginning with L?

Some popular lunch foods that start with the letter L include lasagna, lettuce wraps, and lobster rolls. You can also enjoy a delicious Lebanese wrap or a light and refreshing lentil salad.

Can you suggest potluck dishes starting with L?

For potluck dishes beginning with L, consider trying layered dips, such as a seven-layer dip or a taco dip. You can also prepare a large pot of minestrone with lots of legumes or a loaf of freshly baked focaccia topped with leeks and cheese. Other potluck-friendly options include lemon squares or a lemon meringue pie for dessert.

Which snacks have names starting with the letter L?

Snacks that start with the letter L include licorice, Lärabars, and Lay’s potato chips. Additionally, you can munch on some light popcorn or pretzels dipped in a tangy lemon hummus, or enjoy a crispy, savory snack like Lotus stem chips.

What breakfast options start with an L?

Breakfast options that start with L include cereal, such as Life and Lucky Charms, or dishes like a Lox bagel with cream cheese, a classic staple. You can also try lemon poppy seed muffins, freshly baked scones with lemon curd or a veggie-filled breakfast with cooked lentils or a quiche filled with leeks.

Can you name vegetarian dishes that begin with L?

Vegetarian dishes that begin with L include stuffed bell peppers with lentils and quinoa, Greek-style lemon potatoes, or a fragrant lemongrass tofu stir-fry. For a hearty meal, consider making a mushroom stroganoff with linguine or an Indian-inspired lentil curry.

What meats have names that contain the letter L?

Some meats with names containing the letter L are lamb, liver, and London broil. You can also find cuts of beef like a T-bone or porterhouse which contain the term “loin,” such as sirloin or tenderloin. Poultry options include turkey leg or a whole chicken leg, which consists of the thigh and drumstick.

Foods That Start with L: Our List of 65

These options are sure to be a hit. So, gather your family and friends and enjoy. Let us know your thoughts!
5 from 6 votes
Total Time 5 minutes
Course Substitute
Cuisine American
Servings 4
Calories 287 kcal


  • Lady apple
  • Lambkin melon
  • Lamb’s lettuce
  • Lantana berries
  • Last chance peaches
  • Lawyer’s wig mushrooms
  • Leeks
  • Lemon
  • Lemonade berry
  • Lemonade fruit
  • Lemon aspen
  • Lemon cucumber
  • Lemon drop melon
  • Lemon drop pepper
  • Lemon Plum
  • Lettuce
  • Li jujube
  • Lime
  • Limestone lettuce
  • Lipstick pepper
  • Lion’s mane mushroom
  • Lobster mushroom
  • Lodi apples
  • Loganberries
  • Longan
  • Long Island cheese pumpkin
  • Long neck avocados
  • Long squash
  • Loquats
  • Lulo fruit
  • Langsat
  • Lychee fruit
  • Lilok
  • Lilly pilly
  • Limau
  • Limequats
  • Ladyfish
  • Limpets
  • Lingcod
  • Lionfish
  • Littleneck clams
  • Lobster
  • Lamb
  • Land snails
  • Liver
  • Llama
  • Lambsquarters
  • Lavender
  • Lemon verbena
  • Licorice root
  • Lime mint
  • Lotus root
  • Lemon balm
  • Lemon basil
  • Lemongrass
  • Lovage
  • Legumes
  • Lentils
  • Lima Beans
  • Lasagna
  • Linguine
  • Loaf
  • Latke
  • Long John Silvers
  • London Broil


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Calories: 287kcal
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